Natural Law + Nature’s God = Nature’s Blessings – Genesis 1:27; Galatians 5:1

Bowing Eagle Prayer

Today there is much discussion around the role of faith our leaders are expected to employ. Contrary to the opinion of many, there was no question about faith and God when it came to American politics by our Founding Fathers. All we have to do is look at our founding documents to see where these men and women stood with regard to God, and Jesus Christ. In an early post I mentioned Natural Law, but what is natural law, and from where does it come? The next question then is, “How does natural law pertain to me?”

Natural Law is that which God, the Father and Creator of Heaven and Earth, create to govern His creation as it was first designed. Earth and life on it did not just happen, it was built based on a plan devised by God to provide his love and blessings to any who chooses to accept it. Created in and by love, natural law foundational principle is love. Love first for God who created it; second for each other to help those who stray from God to see how we were designed to behave and who created us (Lk. 10:27). Man was created in the image of God after natural law was established, which means it is the law we are to follow – the law of love. It is also the law upon which our legal system is founded. If commit yourself to live by nature’s law, which God put in our hearts through faith in Christ, two things happen: (1) You keep yourself from jail. (2) (This one is by far more important) you are adopted into the Kingdom, and have eternal life.

America was founded and built upon this simple principle, through God’s love all mankind has been given “certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” (Declaration of Independence). The document goes on to state that governments are the product of man, designed to make sure these rights are provided to all people, and not at the expense of others’ rights.

In following Nature’s Law and putting your faith in Christ the third part of the equation are yours – Nature’s Blessings. True freedom and real blessings are your reward for living in obedience to God’s created law. This very faith led men like Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and Rush to step out of their comfort zone to build a nation greater than any on Earth, ever. These men and women loved this land and people so much they stood against the might and power of Great Britain believing God was on their side. Their faith and love was rewarded on October 18, 1779 when Gen. Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, and the Treaty of Paris September 3, 1783.

To this end I am calling on men and women to exercise that freedom which Christ so freely gave, to love as he did, giving up his life for his brothers and sisters. It is time to stop bickering and finger pointing, and simply love the people around you. Love them, not because of what they do or stand for, but because they too are created in God’s image. Let us return America to the great nation of love she once was. This is what God has called us to do.


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the law of love, and for the love and blessings You have bestowed upon your children. Help us to remain strong and willing to love despite the attacks of the enemy. You built a nation founded upon Your Natural Law, may we lead her back to what you designed her to be.

In Jesus’ Name


The Ark of Safety – Genesis 7:1-7


Though out history, God has promised to keep His children safe and secure, and to provide them a way to return to the intimate relationship mankind once shared with Him. Repeatedly, He provided Israel with the opportunity to place their faith and devotion in Him, for which He would freely provide them with the gift of His grace and presence. God’s plan culminates with Jesus Christ, whom He sent to provide the means for us to come to Him directly, unencumbered by the Law, and man’s selfish desires.


The Ark of Safety – Genesis 7:1-7

God created mankind to be a reflection of Him in all His glory and righteousness. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve failed to understand what God had done, and through an act of disobedience brought sin into this world. Left alone that sin grew to the point where God could no longer stand the evil that mankind hand become. Although, there was one man who stood out among the sinners, his name was Noah.


Noah, made the decision early, he was not going to follow the sinful nature of the world around him. Rather he would do everything he could to have a relationship with God. More than that, he taught this behavior to his family. Noah’s choice led to his family being the only humans saved when God decided to rid the world of a disobedient mankind. Looking at today’s world, I have to wonder how bad things were back then for God to make the decision He did.


However, He will be making another decision soon as well – when to send Jesus Christ back for the Church. The difference, this time there will be no warning. When Christ returns to physically walk this earth, he will come as a warrior prepared to wipe out all who have not accepted him as the Messiah/Savior. In one swipe with his sword, Jesus will destroy the non-believing world. God provided the people of Noah’s time a warning, through Noah, as he began building the ark. I would be willing to bet Noah gave his neighbors and visitors a frank statement about the condition of the world, and what needed to be done for them to not suffer destruction. Lessons he’d been teaching his sons and their wives for over 600 years. Because he lived righteously in and unrighteous world, God rewarded Noah and his family.


Parents, dads in particular; are you a living example of Noah? Are you living a life right in the eyes of God, and teaching your family to do the same? If you aren’t, I have to ask why? God has provided us with one task in response to the gift of life He so graciously gave us. That is we are to love, and pass that love on from one generation to the next. The easiest way for us to do accomplish this starts where God did with Noah – providing a ark of safety. Our “Ark” isn’t a boat, though some are, its our home. It does not matter if it’s a trailer, a one room shack, or a million dollar mansion, if our children and spouse don’t believe it to be a refuge against the enemy(ies), we have not done our job. Husbands, you have a responsibility to “love your wife, as Christ loved the church” (Eph. 5:25). Marriage is not about who serves whom, rather it is a mutual system of giving. Does she know that no matter what is going on, she can depend on you to provide her with a safe and secure place to cry, laugh and love? Wives, being subject to your husband (Eph. 5:22) does not mean you are his personal slave. However, it does mean you should ready and willing to help him secure the family. Paul asks in this passage, “Is someone going to intentionally hurt themselves” (paraphrase) (v. 29)? Of course the answer is “No.” When we wed our spouse, we become one flesh, one family, committed to the welfare of each other, starting with supplying an “Ark of Safety.”


Father God,

Thank you for the family you have provided me. Help me to make for them an “Ark of Safety” where they can rest assured, knowing they are safe from the attacks of the enemy. Help me to be there for each member of my family. Grant me the wisdom to offer them the answers they need. Empower me through Your Spirit to be the best father/mother and husband/wife I can be.

In My Savior, Jesus’, Name


Please God in How You Live – 1 Thes. 4:1-6

Separation of State_Church Not

Two hundred thirty-eight years ago a small group of men and women birthed a nation by throwing off the shackles of oppression laid up on them by a government that though its purpose was to “control” the people. What made this Revolution so unique were the ideas these people had about the purpose of government; their idea was in complete opposition to what was standard. Rather than government controlling the people, the people were responsible for controlling the government. Them men and women who designed this new form of government believed that if we let God, the Almighty Creator, lead our lives, there would be little need of a government to force control, and power would not fall into the hands of the unrighteous, who will always oppress those who do not agree with their way of doing things.


This Republican form of government created one of the most powerful nations of all time, in might and economy. Until the mid 20th Century, America held close to its Christian foundation, and became the nation everyone wanted to live in. This was because her citizens lived to please God in the manner Paul talks about in this letter to Thessalonica. When the Bible was at the center of American life, It’s standards were held in high regard. No, we have not been perfect, but because God held the central spot in our lives the nation was cared for by the people. We took care of each other, providing a hand up to our neighbor when needed, because we knew we could depend on our neighbor when we struggled. People were out to better themselves, not by destroying others, but by working hard to be the best they could be in the eyes of God. Everyone had the opportunity to succeed and have what they needed, a home, clothes on their back, and food in the their stomach. America’s reverent fear of God led people to live out the Law, doing what was right before God, and for each other.


Unfortunately, in the mid 1960’s, the Supreme Court reversed 200 years of precedence, banning the Bible from the public square. From that point forward America has fallen quickly from her perch atop the world as the nation everyone looked upon, and desired to emulate. We have forgotten what Alexis de Tocqueville said about America in his treatises Democracy in a America, the American people were led by their wisdom, virtues, and the love of God (de Tocqueville, p. 28). Even in its infancy, America was recognized because of her people’s love and respect for God. The blessing of God for the sweat and tears of hard, working men and women built this nation. Blessings bestowed upon their shoulders because they showed Him their praise by desiring to live according to His guidance.


Sure other nations have raised and become great, but because they did not, or do not have God at their center, they will fail and their people will suffer greatly because of it. Without God, man cannot care for himself it simply is not possible. God designed us to be with Him, a life without Him does not live; it merely exists and exists only for itself. God built mankind to be a social being, not only with him but with each other as well. To be a social being we must take care of each other, making sure our neighbor’s needs get met – loving as God loved us. A love of sacrifice, just as Christ sacrificed for us. Our obedience to God’s directions made America great. Turn back to God, through our Savior Jesus Christ, so that not only America be restored, but so that the world can find real peace and freedom.


Father, God,

Thank you for providing all that You do for us, especially Your Son, my Savior, so that I can have an intimate relationship with You. I pray for all Americans to take you into their hearts, so that all will be saved in truth and in love. Help all of us to remain true to you and abstain from lustful passions, which only seek to destroy and hurt.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


God’s Law Will Bring Peace – Micah 4:1-5


Knowing how the time will end makes for one of the greatest things about being Christian. Following the Rapture will come a time when today looks like heaven, and during that time people will accept the second chance to enter into the Kingdom. This is the time when “the mountain of the house of the Lord,” will be recognized as the highest and strongest. In an effort to escape the evil that has infected the world during the last days, people will seek God’s Word and way. Fortunately, there is a way to avoid this time of tribulation; it is the Law of God. The Law fulfilled in Christ, that Israel was unable to follow throughout her history. Because the Church as allowed itself to be pushed to the back-burner of American society, we have also failed to make sure the Law is lived out today.


Today we must learn the lesson our Founding Fathers learned 238 years ago. No, I am not calling for a war, at least not that kind of war, although, I am calling for a revolution, of sorts. As Paul wrote, we are not fighting against people and nations of this world; we are fighting a war at the spiritual level (Eph. 6:12). Therefore, I look to the words of George Washington, “The time is near at hand, which must determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves.” God, the Almighty Creator, gave us this land upon which to build a nation founded on His word, where we could be free to worship [Him] the way we desired. Now is the time to stand together and fight for it.


The American Christian Church, Catholic and Protestant, must stand arm in arm proclaiming the truth of God’s Holy Word. However, we cannot simply speak what the Word says if we want others to discover the peace and freedom found within God’s Laws. Primarily, we must strive to live out each of the Ten Commandments in every aspect of life – home, work/school, and recreation. Order of this list is important if we want to see the Church stand strong, it must start in our homes were parents discipline and instruct their children without provocation (Eph. 6:4), and children respect their parents (6:1). When these two work in concert loving relationships can be the only thing, which comes from this household. This love will follow each member of the family into their world outside the home, creating loving, respectful environments wherever they may go.


Love and grace are the main message of the Word of God. It is that simple. Now all we have to do is convince the rest of the world that is what it means to be a Christian. We do that by avoiding those moments of hypocrisy – living out the Law to the best of our abilities. Jesus gave no one any reason to think badly of him. He simply did what the Father asked of him, love the people, and teach them the truth of His Words. Before Jesus left he asked us to do the same thing.

All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Mt. 28:18b-20, NASB)

Real, and full peace will not happen until after Jesus Returns, but following the guidelines of the Law while we are here will bring some peace to this world. At least to those who believe in their hearts that Christ Jesus is their personal Savior, and that God’s Word is true.

Heavenly Father,

I pray for all people today. May they hear and believe Your Word. That the Church will step out in faith and power, and proclaim in unity and love the truth of Your Word. Empower us all Lord to serve You rightly.

In the Name of Jesus Christ,


Peter Surprises a Lame Man – Acts 3:1-8

Ben Franklin-Entitlements

When this crippled man called out to Peter and John, he expected to be given something because he was taught he couldn’t do for himself, that he needed others to provide for him. Little did he know, Peter would give him freedom he never expected. All Peter gave was the opportunity to do something with the abilities God had given the man, but because of a lack of faith never knew he had. Remember, several of the healings Jesus performed happened because of the faith of a parent, or the individual. Even those who were Gentiles, whom Jesus noted had greater faith than all of Jerusalem. Through Jesus Christ, Peter delivered the lame man into a life he never thought he could have, a life in which he was free to become anything he wanted.

For more than two centuries America was known as the Land of Opportunity. Everyone who came here knew there was the chance they could become a millionaire. All they had to do was believe in the abilities they were given by their Creator. Faith helped to make America the greatest nation in history. Somehow, along the way that belief in America as the land of opportunity has been changed. Instead of providing the opportunity, the expectation to be “given” everything, not exactly what the Founding Fathers designed. As I recall it was Benjamin Franklin, who said, “the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer ( When we give people a hand up, we inspire them to industriousness; but when we give them a hand out, we do just the opposite. Richard Nixon agreed, “If we take the route of the permanent handout, the American character will itself be impoverished” ( Industriousness and faith made America strong, entitlements and lack of faith have weakened America. I blame not the president, nor congress, but the people who put them in office. For the last half-century we have place people in the position that will only drive the poor further into poverty.

There is only one way to extract ourselves from this vicious cycle, return to the principles that made America the strongest and richest nation in the world. For this to happen though, the Church must step up and step out with boldness proclaiming the grace and love God freely provides. Through God, true deliverance from poverty into a life of freedom filled with divine provision. God want to see no child of His suffer, but in order to receive the freeing gift of His provision people must first place their undivided hearts and faith in His hands. Sure being a Christian requires obedience, but this minor sacrifice frees one beyond any law or edict from man’s government. True love leads to real deliverance and freedom of life. The early church made sure no one in their communities went without and they grew in number and power. The same can happen today, if we simply live according to the precepts of God Almighty, and love our neighbors, as we ourselves would like to be loved (Gal. 5:14).

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,

The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance.

~Psalm 33:12


Abba Father,

Help me to help others. Show me ways that I can be like Peter, delivering the “lame” to freedom found only in You, O Lord.

In Jesus Name,


Song of Salvation – Is. 12:1-6

Just as it is today, many ancient people failed to understand Israel’s God, “being with them” at all times. For some its difficult to accept that the Creator would want to be with his children, let alone help and guide them to fulfill their purpose as He designed. This is particularly true for those who cannot justify forgiveness of evil enacted upon one’s neighbor. But God wants to be with us, even willing to forgive us for the evil we do. After all, that’s why He sent Jesus (Jn. 3:16), and why Isaiah declares Him as his salvation in this song of thanksgiving. Like Moses, Isaiah recognized the greatness of God’s grace and mercy toward His chosen people and despite the evidence to the contrary was willing to “go all in” for his God.
God loves Israel, even today, which is why He never left them to stand on their own, a promise He made them many times. However, His presence among them depends upon their faith and obedience to His statutes. Isaiah recognized that Israel does not deserve the protection, guidance, or mercy God has so graciously provided them. Jesus and the Apostles reiterate this fact throughout the New Testament. Mankind does not deserve the grace God so freely gives us, yet He still provides us with opportunity after opportunity to gain deliverance, and therefore freedom.
If we want to see a return of America to the greatness she once, and not so long ago enjoyed, we must take heed of Isaiah’s instructions. We must step out with courage and boldness and declare the greatness of our God, making sure that everyone we meet knows His deeds, mercy, and justice. We do that by living the free life He has provided for us through His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. The world must see that living a life of love is not boring, but filled with joy and blessing. A life of love for God first, and then our neighbor will provide any one who confesses their faith in Christ with the richest life possible. This life starts with how we lead our families – how we treat our spouses, the way we raise our children. If we exemplify a Christian life at home, it will spill over into our places of work, recreation, and schools. Raise God-fearing children, who experience the blessings of an intimate relationship with the Lord, we will one day have God-fearing leaders in our courts, town halls, and state houses. History shows, that where the leadership is, that is where the country will go. So state houses filled with godly leaders, who seek the Lord for guidance and instruction, will provide us with the stepping stones to reestablishing our roots as a Christian Nation.

America Bless God, So that God Will Bless America!

Heavenly Father,
I come before You with praise and thanksgiving that You don’t turn Your back on Your children. Thank you for being here with us in everything we do. I pray for our families and leaders that both would turn to You for their guidance and wisdom. Fill our homes and states houses with Your presence, so that all will feel You, and know that You are here with us. We cannot do this without You.
In the Name of our Savior, Your Son, Jesus Christ,

Empowered for Victory – Revelation 3:7-13


When Joshua was preparing to cross the Jordan, and take the land of Canaan as God had promised, he knew that Israel would prevail. He was empowered by the promises of God that, “Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given it to you” (Joshua 1:3), that no one could take it from Israel (v. 5), so long as Joshua and the people remained strong (in faith) and courageous (v. 6). Jesus made this same promise to his fellow Hebrews and the Gentiles throughout his ministry. Everything he did – the healings, teachings, even changing the water to wine – was done to evidence his faith in the Father. Despite having to give up the power of his deity to come to earth, Jesus remained faithful to his Father, God, and was rewarded upon his baptism.

As the first century was coming to a close, he also saw the struggle some of the churches were having, so as a warning and reiteration of the promises made to Joshua, he provided John with the first three chapters of Revelation. While each church had its particular issue to deal with, today’s Church experiences each of them to some degree. Recent history of the church in America seems to closely relate to what was written to the church at Philadelphia. Christians have been run down by the enemy, made to cause the ills of society, and silenced by fear. How could we let this travesty happen? The church is the reason America was founded, and is the foundation of our Constitution and system of law. Because of the love, compassion, and faith of God fearing Americans, many more people are no longer subjected to the atrocities of totalitarian dictators. No, we are not perfect, but no man is. As Jesus stated there is only One who can be called “good,” and that is God the Father and Creator of Heaven and Earth (Mt. 19:17). However, the world is a better place when America is strong in her faith in God, because she is empowered, by Him, to make sure the needs are met; even when it seems nothing can be done. Without God, America is nothing but a land mass with men and women inhabiting it, much the same way the animals inhabit the woods, and water; each looking out for him or herself.

America is, and always has been a Christian nation! Like it or not this is statement of fact. From our Founding Fathers, through the Civil War and Great Depression families, Americans have always believed in a God who is intimately involved in the lives of His children. He promised to be with us and never forsake us (Deut. 31:8; John 14:18), as long as we remained faithful to Him. That means the faithful can and will overcome anything the enemy places before us. The faithful will be made pillars in heaven secured there forever! Stand on this promise and boldly proclaim the Good News of Christ, do not let anyone tell you to stop, or that you cannot shout God’s name from the Town Square, school, or workplace. Victory, freedom, and opportunity are found in the arms of our Father in Heaven!

Father God,

Humbly, I confess my sins and the sins of my nation. Forgive us our transgressions. We seek Your Spirit and power, that we might overcome the enemy, and do what is right in Your eyes today and everyday. Help us to stand boldly in Your name against Satan, and his lies. May America rise up and be the godly nation she has always been, taking Your message of freedom, grace, mercy, and love into every community.

In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ,



Wait for God’s Salvation – Lam. 3:18-26


Today is not the first time the children of God have fallen away from the intimate relationship He desires to have with us. Israel frequently during their history has experienced the same troubles we currently face. Jeremiah was deeply troubled by the disobedience of his nation, much the same way many are concerning present day America. He could see the writing on the wall for Judah, following the prophesied fall of Israel, and despite his best efforts to convince the people to repent for their sins Judah followed the same path as Israel shortly after. Because of their shortsightedness, Jeremiah wept openly for his people and king, however he never lost hope that God would provide for His chosen people. He knew that patient obedience would defeat the enemy, because God’s character does not change and those who wait for Him will experience His glorious love and healing. Perhaps Jeremiah was dwelling on 2 Chronicles 7:14, a promise from God to Solomon that if the people humble themselves and deny the wickedness of their lives, He would hear their prayers and heal the land.


Just as Israel and Judah had experienced both the blessings and judgments of God, so have America, and every Christian nation. When power is left to a single individual or group, corruption will always follow. Not that they are innately evil, but no one likes to be told what to do, or how to behave; so when put into a position of power, human nature is to fall under the pressure of such position. The corruption that results comes from the desire of men and women to “control” their destiny. What they forget however is that no person controls their destiny. We can affect it, but the only One who controls the destiny of each person is God, the Sovereign Creator.


I have said it before; The United States of America is and always has been a Christian nation, built on the principles found in the Bible. Today we struggle with the opportunities to declare the greatness of our Lord and Savior. In many areas have followed ancient Israel, allowing ourselves to be shut-up when we try to speak out. It is impossible to govern without God and the Bible.


God has provided for us the ultimate guide to govern. As we celebrate our nation’s birthday, remember that America is a gift from God, given to us to show the rest of the world mankind can rule with grace, mercy, and love. He gave us two rules to follow that would insure all our needs would be met, and if you especially faithful more than needs will be provided. The first is to love Him, our Creator, with every aspect of our bodies, minds and souls. The second is to transfer that same love to those around us, our neighbors. If, in your heart, you can truly perform each of these tasks with no expectation of return, He will make sure you have all that you need; no questions asked. Also, should every person display God’s love there would be no need for welfare, Medicare, or other government entitlement programs. For that matter there would be no need of governments.


Father God,


Humbly I come before You today seeking forgiveness, first for myself, but also for America. I pray that soon humility will overcome this great nation, and the people will turn from their sins and repent in the name of Jesus Christ. Please keep all people safe this weekend as we celebrate the birth of this nation, which You so graciously supply us. Thank you Father.


In the Name of Jesus Christ,


God Rescues – Psalm 105:37-45

Bowing Eagle Prayer

One of my favorite verses is found in Psalm 33, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance” (v. 12). What better evidence is there than the history of Israel as remembered in Psalm 105 as a whole, but in particular vv. 37-45. Here the psalmist depicts the provision that YHWH made for His children as they were literally expelled from Egypt. Because of their faith, as tenuous as it was, he made sure they were fully supplied before their journey. Some of this provision was made through the very people who were subjecting them to an oppressive slavery. During Israel’s journey from Goshen to Canaan, the people were never without. Along the way, YHWH made sure every need was met from food and water to clothing and rest. Bottom line, despite their misgivings along the way, Israel was cared for by God, and He has been engaging with his children ever since. Even today, we can depend on Him to make sure all our needs are met.

Three hundred plus years ago men and women braved the tenuous voyage across the Atlantic to begin, what would become a new nation. The American Colonies were founded on two principles – opportunity and freedom of worship. Those who funded the trips saw a opportunity to make money, but more important the people making the voyages were coming here to relieve themselves of the oppression the governments in their homelands trying to tell them how, where, and why they should worship God. Over time Great Britain become the major player in the colonization of America, and like Pharaoh saw the danger in the numbers of people in the colonies, and began the tyranny of oppression. Americans, like the Israelites, believed God had provided the opportunities to start anew, and because of their faith were eventually awarded with a new nation to lead.

The Revolution, contrary to what history books like to teach, has very strong roots in the churches of America. Just prior to the war, America experienced a “Great Awakening,” a rival led by the likes of George Whitefield and John Edwards, which taught that real freedom is found only in one’s relationship with God. One of the major teachings of the rival was that God’s word no longer had to travel from the king and his bishops, but rather from the people to the king. These revivalists returned to the teachings of the early church – God speaks directly to His children, and is intimately involved in each of person’s life. As a result the Founding Fathers came to understand that if God can guide His children in their personal lives, then He also leads them when it comes to making decisions as a government.

Because of their faith in a God that is involved in the lives of each of His children men like Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Daniel Webster, and James Madison were able to build a nation and its governing from the ground up. From the very beginning American’s believed that Providence (God) was on their side as they rose up against Britain. For nearly 200 years that faith was the dominant guide in American leadership. If our Founders were here today they would be beside themselves because of lack of faith in the lives of most Americans.

We are still a Christian nation, founded on the tenets of Christian belief and faith; but false teachers have infiltrated the Church and society, and have persuaded great numbers of people to believe that Christianity is un-American. They want people to believe we are intolerant and unloving. It is time for the Church to stand up, and stop allowing oppressive, intolerant bodies tell us how to behave. We must become like Peter and Paul, refusing to keep quiet, and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ! That does not mean you have to preach to people, all you have to do is live, as Christ would have lived. By our love, that is how they will know we are Christians (Jn. 13:35). If America is to be the great nation she once was, God MUST return to the forefront of our lives. We need to remember and teach to our posterity how America came to be – the Providence of God Almighty. As we celebrate our nations birthday this week please pray for our leaders – Federal, State, and local – that they would return to God for guidance and leadership in their own lives. A person, who is led by God, leads like God.

America bless God, so that God can bless America.

Heavenly Father,

Humbly I pray for my governments, at all levels. May each of them men and women we have elected to represent us here and in the world seek Your guidance in every aspect of their lives. Keep them safe, guarding their hearts and keeping the enemy from infiltrating. You build America, and through You alone can America become a beacon on the hill for the rest of the world.

In Jesus’ Name,


Remember God’s Mighty Salvation – Deut. 4:32-40

Two hundred thirty-eight years ago, our Founding Fathers set out to rid themselves of the tyranny and slavery placed upon them by the most powerful nation of the time. An action they firmly believed was provided to them through the providence of the Lord God Almighty. 4,000 years ago God did the same thing for a group of people enslaved by a brutal and very fearful man. Those were the Israelites, whom Pharaoh was afraid of, who had come to Egypt several generations earlier. Because he was afraid of losing his freedom, he enslaved Israel. Pharaoh governed Israel with an iron fist, that over time became heavier and heavier until they cried out to God.

Just like Israel, without the providence of God working for them, the American’s of the Revolution cried out to God. He heard them, and responded by making sure they were cared for during this trial. Throughout the war, the men and women who fought for the freedoms and liberties we enjoy today called for and experienced the grace and mercy of God.

Unfortunately, today’s historians would like for us to believe something far different. Today we are taught men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison were deists, all because they seldom refer to God by name. Even Benjamin Franklin knew the importance faith and prayer, when he called for prayer during the meetings to write our Constitution. When you read their own writings it becomes quite clear that our Founding Fathers looked to, and believed it was God leading them to found this country. They went against convention, believing that through faith and obedience to God, man could rule over him or herself. They believed in this so much they were willing to stake their lives to separate themselves from the greatest and strongest nation in history (to that point). For 238 years men and women have fought to keep those same freedoms available here for the citizens of this nation. Through most of our history, Americans have believed it was Providence that has kept us strong and free. Then a strange thing happened some 50 years ago, the Bible was taken out of the public square, more specifically schools, so younger generations are no longer taught the value of moral integrity, and faith in the One True God. The God who provided us with this great nation, which was founded on the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” All based on a letter, which has been misinterpreted. Only good men and women can honestly lead a group of people, men and women guided by God.

Salvation can only be found one way, through faith that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God. When one admits this in his or her heart, then and only then are you truly free. America became great because her citizens have always been willing to live in obedience to God’s directions – Love Him, and love others. In love, that is where real freedom is found. Salvation is a gift of God given freely to those willing to accept it and live in it.

Heavenly Father,

God in heaven, bless this nation and its leaders. May the leaders at all levels look to You for guidance in the decisions they make. I pray each man and woman in office comes to know you, and the real freedom America can find if they follow David’s lead, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people whom He has chosen for His own inheritance” (Ps. 33:12).

In Jesus Name,
